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An Inside Look at Co-Working Spots in the Bay Area

Mar 21, 2023 13:43:07 PM by

Did you know that almost 50 percent of the work force are remote workers? That is a lot of people that need a workspace. However, not every remote worker works from home. Here in the Bay Area, we’re lucky to have many options when it comes to where and how we work, and many people are choosing a co-working space as their office.

What is co-working?

A co-working space is just the way it sounds. A shared office in which people can work. These people can come from any line of business, and most of them are those who find they don’t need a traditional office but need something more than a home office.

People who work in a co-working office tend to share equipment as well as ideas. Co-working brings together creative and smart people (that may not have met otherwise) to share their knowledge and expertise.

What are the benefits?

A co-working space has many advantages. The first one is maybe the most obvious. Cheap rent. What? Cheap rent in the Bay Area? While nothing beats a free home office, a co-working space is cheaper than renting a traditional office. Additionally, you won’t be tied into long contracts because a lot of co-working spaces rent by the month.

And speaking of benefits, a co-working space may offer you amenities that you can’t get anywhere else. A co-working space may give you a printer, fax, a landline, secured Wi-Fi, and virtually anything you need to start or keep a professional business.

Are there downsides?

The downsides to a co-working space are few and far between. A primary cause for concern is your privacy. While a shared office space sounds like you’ll have zero privacy, that’s not the case. A co-working space may give someone outside of your company the opportunity to look over your shoulder, but there are always private conference rooms and places to work where you can rest assured no one is watching.

Another downside is that a co-working space is all business. There won’t be organized group lunches (unless you start them) or cake when it’s someone’s birthday. But, you will have a quiet place to get all your work done.

Anything else?

A co-working space should meet all or most of your business needs and include a few bonus offers as well. Renting a space that is affordable, has reliable Internet, and great people you can be around day in and day out should be at the top of your list. Of course, there are many other things to consider, too.

A co-working space is not for every company. If you’re a large business with hundreds of employees, a shared office is not going to cut it. It’s up to you to decide what’s right for your business. To help you choose, here are some considerations:

  • How big is the office?
  • Does it offer amenities?
  • How’s the parking nearby?
  • What’s the rent and how does it compare to a traditional office?
  • What are the people like that I’ll be sharing the office with?
  • Are there lunch spots nearby? Is there a coffee shop?

Asking yourself these questions is a great start to deciding if a co-working space in the Bay Area is right for you.

Luckily, you can contact us at any time with any questions you may have. We at 580 Executive Suites offer suites and offices in a variety of sizes. We offer Wi-Fi, phones, conference rooms, and so much more. Contact us today to learn more.