1. Transition from home to a professional office setting
For the average home based business, there comes a time when it makes sense to move the business outside of the home. There are a variety of reasons for this transition depending on the business and home setting, but usually this means an increased business expense. Many people take advantage of virtual offices as a cost effective way to begin moving their businesses outside of their home on a part-time basis until they can justify the cost of a full-time office. For others, their business model may only require an office on a part time basis. Either way, using an executive office center as your virtual office is a great way to improve your professional image and focus on growing your business and retaining a higher caliber of clientele.
2. Develop a presence in multiple markets
Just because you don’t live in California, doesn’t mean you can’t have a business presence in the San Francisco Bay Area. A virtual office allows you to have a business address and license in a location that you do not have to occupy unless you need it. But, that doesn’t stop you from developing your online presence and developing business locations in prime geographical locations around the country, or even around the world.
3. Required professional address for specific types of businesses
There are certain businesses that are required by local municipalities to have their business license tied to a physical professional office building that is not their home or PO box. Furthermore, certain business models have contractual stipulations requiring physical addresses other than residences or PO Boxes. If your business falls into one of these categories, and all you need is an address for a business license, research “virtual business addresses” in your area and go with the cheapest option. Prices for this service generally range between $50-$150 per month.
If you happen to live in or near your desired virtual location, then a visit to the executive office center to check it out is a good idea since it would become your professional business identity.