We live in the age of the tech entrepreneur; in case you haven’t been paying attention to those yahoos (no pun intended) down in Santa Clara County. And multiple times per year, those tech geniuses will give us multiple new products and websites that are “destined to change the game.” That’s in quotes, not because it’s untrue, but because they can’t all change the game. Not every trend is going to pan out.
Category: Coworking
Coworking Offices Are Here To Stay
Are you one of the lucky few who gets to work remotely? It’s quite a privilege – if you can handle it. Without a boss nearby to supervise, some folks get wildly off task. Like those two weeks around Christmas in a conventional office; nobody is getting any work done.
Here at the 580 Executive Center, we’ve been providing virtual office services for a while. We also have some for-rent office space, for clients who need a regular workplace. And although these are beneficial services, there’s a very specific type of client who doesn’t need either: telecommuters.
Northern California Coworking Space
Have you ever just needed some peace and quiet to get some work done? This is the whole reason libraries exist – so people could have somewhere quiet to study and read. But of course, working at the public library every day isn’t feasible. You could go to a coffee shop, but then you feel compelled to buy something, and how many consecutive hours can you sit in a Peet’s? When home isn’t the quietest place, this is the dilemma facing telecommuters.
Coworking Space in the East Bay Area
The Bay Area is the midst of a basketball renaissance thanks to the Warriors, but I do have one quibble with ABC’s NBA Finals coverage: do you guys know where Oracle Arena is? Because despite the constant shots of San Francisco and the Bay Bridge, the Warriors play in the East Bay! Where are the video shots of Jack London Square?
These days, more and more people are becoming their own boss. Freelancers, entrepreneurs and salespeople are just some of the professionals that now regularly go into business for themselves. And when you’re on your own, it’s smart to have some office space available for professional use.
You know what’s a fun term? “Home office.” Because really, anywhere can be a home office. If you do your work from the living room couch with a laptop, then guess what: that’s your home office. Many news reporters like to sit in coffee shops to write their stories, especially when they’re always on the go – for them, a Starbucks is the home office.
Being able to work from home is a great luxury, that’s no doubt. But just because you have this awesome opportunity doesn’t mean you can take full advantage of it. For instance, what if there’s nowhere in the house for you to work? It’s imperative that you carve out a little designated workspace for yourself, but what if you’re in a studio apartment? Or the other rooms are already occupied by your family members or roommates?