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How Can I Establish a Professional Online Presence When I Work from Home?

Mar 21, 2023 13:42:31 PM by

The benefits of working from home are easy to see. You get to skip the commute which saves you money, time, and frustration. There is no need to buy or wear expensive and uncomfortable business attire. In fact, as long as you are not doing video meetings all day you can wear anything you want. When you work from home you get to control your environment and focus on making sure you are comfortable. Working from home also allows you to have a better balance when it comes to work and family. The time you get back by skipping the commute is time that you can spend with your family or on taking care of your health. Anyone who works from home can add more benefits to this list. Unfortunately, there are some challenges that come with working from home – especially if you are a business owner. One of the biggest challenges that business owners face when they take the business home is how to create a professional online presence.


Why you need to have a professional online presence for your business



It may be possible to run your business completely from your home office but you do not want potential clients to see a picture of your house pop up when they search online for your business. It can make your business seem less legitimate or serious if you do not have a professional looking image that comes up online. In addition, for your own privacy it is important to have a physical business address that is different than your home address. Another important reason to have a professional online presence for your business is because it helps with local SEO. When potential customers search online for a local business like yours, it is important to have a local address so you show up in those searches.


How you can create a professional online presence for your business



Creating a professional online presence for your business is a multifaceted process. You will need to spend some time working on your website and the social media presence of your business. Another thing that can help you with your company’s online presence is to set up a virtual office. A virtual office package will provide you with a local, professional address for your business. When current and potential customers search online for your business, the address and images that come up will be the ones associated with the virtual office. This one aspect of having a virtual office can have a significant impact on your company’s online presence – even if you do all of the business from home.

A virtual office can help you create a professional online image for your business even if you are doing all of your work in your pajamas from your kitchen table. And, to make the idea of a virtual office even more appealing, some packages include services from a professional support staff. If you need help with the logistics of maintaining your company’s image while working from home, check out the virtual office packages that are available from 580 Executive Center.