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How Would I Benefit From Renting A Coworking Space?

Mar 21, 2023 13:42:57 PM by

If you run a small business, you have to analyze every aspect about it to make sure you’re making all the right moves. You always want to make sure you’re working with the right people, investing your funds correctly, and making smart decisions about the way your company runs. One of the biggest decisions a new business owner has to make is the one about location. Where will your business function out of? Many people work from home, or a loud, bustling coffee shop. This can be fine every once in a while, but anyone who works from either of those places on a daily basis will tell you that it can be problematic for a few reasons. For the most part, these problems center around not being able to focus in a place that isn’t designed for business. However, some people feel they don’t have an option, since their business is still small, and it’s not justifiable to spend money on an office space that’s too big for its purposes at the moment.

This is where coworking spaces come in. Coworking is the perfect solution for these very issues. As I mentioned before, working from home or a coffee shop can be difficult because it’s not a place solely designated as a work environment. This might sound silly, but it’s true. Being in an office where everyone is focused on work helps you be productive. Not only is there a busy and focused vibe in the air, but everyone functions under rules and guidelines that make it easy to concentrate. No one is going to bring a crying baby or a barking dog or a blaring tv set into an office, so there are no distractions.


Coworking spaces are also much more affordable than an entire office suite. If your business is still growing, you want to save money wherever you possibly can, and spending a huge chunk of money on bay area office space is often not an option. Coworking offers you a place to work without being as pricey as a huge office.

One perk that people often overlook about coworking is the inspiring and motivational air in the room. This is especially beneficial to people in creative fields. Coworking spaces are sectioned off into different areas. Some are set up with a more open design, that encourages discussion and networking. Other areas are closed off and private, allowing for quiet concentration. Having a place to work no matter what type of project creates an air of innovation and hard work. This can be hugely beneficial to someone who needs to be creative, forward thinking and motivated.

There are many other perks that come along with coworking spaces, including rentable conference rooms, free high speed internet and even free coffee. It can be a game changer for the future of any small company, especially one that’s sprouting its roots in the bay area. Do your research and decide if this is the smartest move for your small business.