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Set Up a Virtual Office to Help You Transition to Permanent Work from Home Status

Mar 21, 2023 13:42:31 PM by

The transition from working in an office to working from home is one that more and more people are making. Improvements in technology as well as worldwide events have made the logistics and idea of working from home much easier to handle. However, there are some elements of the transition that can be difficult and will require some preparation. If you are a business owner, the thought of working from home permanently may seem like it is impossible. Sure, working from home a few days out of the week is doable but what about the image of your business? What about factors like local SEO, in-office support staff, and mail service? Your unique needs as a business owner make transitioning to permanent work from home status a little more complicated than it is for people who are simply employees. Fortunately, there is an option that can address all of these concerns and get you to a place where you can work from home permanently – the virtual office.


Maintain your professional image online



A virtual office can help you maintain the professional image of your business online – even if you are actually working from home in your pajamas. Using a virtual office will provide you with a business address that helps with your local SEO and image. When customers search the address of your business or your business name, they will find a local listing that shows an office building. This is much more professional than having your home pop up on a map search. It will also help you rank with local SEO when you have a local address to attach to your business. These perks of setting up a virtual office will help you transition from having a physical location to working from home without sacrificing the benefits that come with having a local address.


Get access to professional support staff



Another big benefit of using a virtual office to help you transition into permanent work from home status is the fact that you can get access to a professional support staff. At 580 Executive Center, for example, you can choose a virtual office package that includes a support staff for mail and phone services. You do not have the burden of having the additional people on staff but you can enjoy the benefits that come from having access to professional support staff. With a virtual office you can lose the strain that comes with maintaining a permanent support staff without losing access to their services.


Setting up a virtual office can make the transition to permanent work from home status much easier – especially if you are a small business owner. If you want to take your business home permanently but do not know if it is possible, take some time to explore everything that the virtual office packages from 580 Executive Center have to offer.